Meet The Owners


Coral was born in West Palm Beach, Florida. As a child, she moved a lot, but in 1998, they settled in Clearfield.

Coral always had a love for animals and from a young age, knew many of the different dog breeds. In her junior and senior years at high school, she spent most of her time in the agriculture department. As an adult, Coral worked in various fields such as fast food, cleaning, and retail sales. In 2011, she began to work with a local dog groomer, bathing dogs. When the salon owner decided to move and sell, Coral decided to buy the business. She was trained to groom and took over the business in 2012. In 2014, Coral decided to explore career options; she went to school for phlebotomy, and when she figured out it was not for her, she took courses on selling life insurance. A year later, she decided the hours put into it with no financial return were not for her either. She went into direct sales with LuLaRoe in 2016, and in 2018, after two years of trying to make that work, Coral sold off her inventory and paid for dog training courses at the National K-9 School for Dog Training. After graduating and receiving her certification, Coral began training out of their hours. In 2019, Coral and Jedidiah purchased a building to renovate. In 2020, they officially opened their new K-9 University training center.

Coral’s future plans are for K-9 University to continue to evolve. She would like to add canine nutrition and health and fitness to their services and a service dog breeding and training program.


Jedidiah grew up in a large coal mining community in southwestern Pennsylvania. At the age of 14, he got his first job as a dishwasher in a local mom-and-pop Italian steakhouse. Working his way up from the bottom, he would eventually spend 12 years as the head cook, 7 of which the restaurant won the award for the best steak in the tri-county area. With over 1 million steaks cooked, Jedidiah decided it was time to change careers. Following in the footsteps of a friend, in 2012, Jedidiah enrolled in UXO school and was soon traveling all over the country, cleaning up ultra-hazardous materials while making a good living.

After his first year of working out of state, Jedidiah met Coral through an online dating site and started a long-distance relationship. The long-distance relationship turned out to be a blessing, forcing the relationship to be built on a foundation of communication. Jedidiah believes this is the secret to their successful marriage.

Due to the events of the pandemic in 2020, Jedidiah lost his career in UXO. Spending the next 2 years as a carpenter, he stayed very busy but ultimately concluded that it made little sense to work for someone else when he and his wife owned their business. Jedidiah currently spends his days working with dogs, finding satisfaction in cold noses and wagging tails. As for his education, Jedidiah has an associate’s degree in industrial design and several certifications in the fitness industry, including being a certified personal trainer for over 25 years. An enthusiast of nutrition and exercise, Jedidiah hopes to one day open his training facility that combines powerlifting and strongman but can also accommodate bodybuilders.

Growing up in the backwoods of Pennsylvania, Jedidiah is an avid outdoorsman and spends a lot of his free time fishing, shooting, hiking, or hunting mushrooms. Jedidiah’s home life consists of spending time with his wife and 3 boys, raising chickens, playing with their 6 dogs, and sipping on fine whiskey.