Behavior Modification Program

Behavior Modification Program

4 Weeks of Training with 10 Private Follow-up Lessons!

This on-leash program is intended to assist dogs and their owners with effective dog/owner communication, socialization, and behavior modification. The behavior modification covered may include the areas of resource guarding, dog aggression/socialization, people aggression/socialization, and fear aggression/confidence building.

In order for this training program to be successful, it is imperative for owners to work at home to change patterns and behaviors as instructed by our trainers. Dog owners will receive instruction and counseling on how their behavior influences the behavior of their dog. Your willingness to incorporate behavior modification and obedience commands into everyday life is crucial for success

This on-leash program is designed to establish and give you on-leash control. Upon completion of this program, your dog will be able to walk on a leash, sit, and lay down patiently at your left side. During this program, your dog will stay in residence with K-9 University for at least twenty full training days. During this time, our staff of certified trainers will teach your dog the following commands: HEEL with Automatic SIT, SIT at your side, DOWN at your side, SIT and DOWN from Front, COME, PLACE, and STAY. Your dog will also participate in behavior modification, socialization therapy, and confidence building.

During your ten private follow-up lessons, you will be taught proper leash-handling techniques and the correct use of each command. Your follow-up lessons will include instruction at K-9 University’s indoor and outdoor training areas and in-home lessons. During these lessons, there will be an emphasis on handling unwanted behaviors. You and your dog will also receive socialization therapy and/or confidence-building assistance.

Follow-up lessons can be scheduled during K-9 University’s business hours (Monday- Friday 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM and Saturday 9:00 AM-12:00 PM).

In order for our training programs to be successful, it is imperative for owners to work at home to change behaviors as instructed by our trainers. Your willingness to incorporate training and obedience commands into everyday life is crucial for success.

Thank you for your interest in training with K-9 University. Please contact your trainer to schedule training or if you have any additional questions, 814-577-3911

Health and Vaccination Requirements:

It is the owner’s responsibility to provide current vaccination records, or current titer testing to K-9 Univeristy from a licensed veterinarian. Dogs without vaccination records or overdue vaccinations will not be accepted for training. All dogs are required to be in good health and have the following vaccinations: Rabies, Distemper (DHPP or DHLPP) and Bordatella

The following vaccinations are recommended. Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, and Lyme Disease. Dogs should be free of external (ex: fleas and ticks) and internal (ex: worms) parasites. It is also recommended that dogs be on a flea and tick preventative. Contact your Certified Professional Trainer if you have additional questions, at 814-577-3911. Or current Titer Testing would be acceptable Training Thank you for your interest in training ware K-9 University. Please contact your trainer to schedule training or if you have any additional questions. 814-577-3910