Our Mission:

Our Mission:

It is our mission to help owners have a better relationship with their dogs through obedience by creating healthy boundaries and structure.

What We Do:

First, we evaluate your specific situation to determine and diagnose problems the owners are having and discover if there are any the owners are unaware of. We make recommendations for which training program best fits the dog’s needs and the owner’s goals. During training, we set clear expectations, boundaries, and manners for the dogs while teaching them their basic and advanced obedience commands.

What Makes Us Different:

Unlike many trainers, at K-9 University, we don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach. We treat every dog as an individual. That means using the right tool for the job. This can be anything from treats all the way up to E-collars. When used properly, treats, rewards, and training collars are NOT abuse. However, anything can be turned into a tool of abuse when misused, even treats! We truly want what’s best for your dog. That often means educating our customers on training tools and the basics of K-9 nutrition.

How we got started

How it all started:

Coral, a dedicated pet professional since 2011, began her journey as a dog groomer. Despite exploring other careers, her unwavering passion for working with dogs led her back to the path of dog training. Coral’s commitment to canine care shone through when she attended the prestigious National K-9 School for Dog Trainers in 2018. Graduating with flying colors, she initially offered training sessions right from her home—a testament to her hands-on approach and dedication.

As her reputation as a skilled dog trainer grew, so did the need for a larger space. In a stroke of good fortune, Coral and her supportive husband, Jedidiah, secured a 4,700 sq ft building to house K-9 University, a comprehensive dog training facility. While Jedidiah juggled out-of-state work, he spent weekends transforming the former pool building into a top-tier training environment, exemplifying their ‘all-in’ attitude towards their canine-focused venture.

K-9 University proudly opened its doors in 2020, quickly becoming synonymous with excellence in dog training. With five years of apprenticeship under Coral’s expert guidance, Jedidiah too has emerged as a skilled dog trainer, making K-9 University a family affair where every dog’s potential is fully realized.